Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Humanistic and Cognitive Behavioral Applications of Psychology Essay Example for Free

The Humanistic and Cognitive Behavioral Applications of Psychology Essay Psychology as a scientific discipline can be divided into four major historical forces. The first historical force being psychoanalysis, the second force behaviorism, the third force humanistic, and the fourth force multicultural. Each historical force represents the zeitgeist or prevailing school of thought for its historical time, and each school of thought brought about the development of different theoretical applications and ideological approaches. This paper will focus on theorists and theoretical applications of the second and third historical forces. Behaviorism is the school of thought founded by John B. Watson and is the second historical force in psychology. The basis of behavioral psychology suggests that all behaviors are learned and therefore can be unlearned and changed. Watson, like most other behaviorists were of the mindset that only observable, or overt behaviors, should be studied because concepts such as emotion and cognition were too subjective (Cherry, K. 2011). Cognitive applications of behavioral psychology known as Cognitive Behavioral psychology or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) differs from the orientation of Behaviorism in that it focuses on the mental processes, perceptions, and interpretations of the mind, as well as how information is retrieved. Cognitive Theorists believe emotions are triggered by thoughts and beliefs. It is in this mindset that Cognitive Behavioral psychotherapy was developed as a type of â€Å"talk therapy† which is clinically proven to be more effective than medication for treating insomnia, depression and several other psychological issues. One of the most notable Cognitive Behavioral theorists of modern day psychology is Dr, Albert Ellis. I focus on Albert Ellis and his theoretical applications because of their similarities to the foundations of Buddhist psychology. Albert Ellis founded Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy can be viewed as a philosophy of living, as well as a form of psychotherapy. Dr. Ellis also believed that unhappiness could be alleviated by learning to identify 4 types of irrational thinking and  cultivating â€Å"Universal Self-Acceptance† ( USA ) which overlaps Buddhisms â€Å"three marks of existence† ( annicca, anatta, dukha ) (Tsering, 2006). Dr. Ellis believed that â€Å"self-esteem† was an irrational and harmful concept for reasons similarly found in Buddhism. Many psychologists believe that self-esteem issues help or exacerbate most mental health issues. Dr. Ellis advocated replacing the concept of â€Å"self-esteem† with â€Å"Universal Self-Acceptance† (USA) (M.G.T. Kwee, 2006) Rational-emotive behavior therapy, or REBT, can perhaps be summarized by understanding the A-B-C model for psychotherapy. (Ellis, 1994) REBT says that the most commo n mistake people make is in assuming that adversity (A) is responsible, or causes, emotional consequences (C). For example, one might believe that doing poorly on a project at work (the adversity, or A) is what causes them severe anxiety and stress (the consequence, or C). The REBT therapist, however, argues that it is not the adversity (A) which causes the anxiety and stress (C), but rather it is the individuals perceptiontheir unrealistic and over generalized beliefs (B) about the adversity that causes the anxiety and stress. It was not that a person did poorly on the project, but rather her belief that she must do well on everything she does. This unrealistic belief that she must do well all the time led her to tell herself how awful it was that she did not do well. Thus, it was her perception that she did not do what must be done, and that it is awful that she did not do what must be done, that resulted in her feelings of stress and anxiety. While most people believe that A=C, the REBT therapist shows them that, in reality, A x B = C. If the therapist can adjust the clients thinking by ma king her realize that she doesnt always have to do well, or that its not really that awful that she didnt do as well as she would have liked, then her feelings of anxiety and stress may be lessened. (Ellis,1994) As a cognitive-behavioral mode of treatment REBT postulates that emotional and psychological disorders are largely the result of thinking irrationally, dysfunctionally, negatively, absolutely, or illogically. Furthermore, REBT theorizes that rational and irrational thoughts are incompatible. (Tsering, 2006) Humans are able to get rid of most of their emotional and mental unhappiness, inefficacy, or disturbance if they learn to maximize rational and minimize irrational ideation REBT holds that sustained negative feelings, such as intense depression, anxiety, anger, and guilt, are almost  always unnecessary to human living. (Ellis, 1994) After researching different aspects of Buddhist psychology it is my opinion that Dr. Ellis’ (REBT ) transcends multi-cultural borders and values. I find this approach to psychotherapy to be very beneficial and important in American psychology which historically has failed in many aspects to encompass other cultures and ideological approaches i n psychotherapies and treatments. Many similarities also exist between the ways that Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and the self-actualization theories of Rogers and Maslow. Both Maslow and Rogers described the self-actualizing person as one who has personal autonomy and who is free to make choices. The actions of the self-actualizing person are not determined solely by the physical and social environment, because a person has access to personal resources that are, in turn, growth promoting. According to Maslow (Maslow, 1968) ) the self-actualizing person does not avoid facing or acting on feelings or thoughts that are experienced. The self-actualized person of Maslow, Rogers, Zen Buddhism, and Lao Tzu feels a kinship with all human beings. These people care about others with a caring that is gentle and not moralistic. The humanistic approach of the third historical force in psychology reflects the self –actualization ideologies put forth in Buddhism and Taoism and suggested by Maslow and Rogers. Carl Rogers, created client-centered therapy, and designated unconditional positive regard (UPR) as one of the three conditions were necessary for positive change, along with empathy and genuineness (congruence). According to the Rogerss theory, mental illness is often caused by the absence of love or by a defective kind of love that the client received as a child. By showing the client unconditional positive regard and acceptance, the therapist is providing the best poss ible conditions for personal growth to the client. (Campbell, 1985) One regards ‘each aspect of the client’s experience as being part of that client . (Bozarth, 2001) While all four of the historical forces have contributed to the development of American psychology and psychological theories, I believe it is the cognitive behavorial and existentialistic ideologies such as the theories of Ellis’ (REBT) and Rogers’(UPR) that have had the greatest impact on psychotherapy and its multi-cultural applications . I can honestly say that my views and opinions have been changed by the knowledge I have gained from the History and Systems class also known as psychology 308. From a cultural perspective  I have always felt I belonged to two different worlds. I was born in Kentucky and raised in a very conservative , narrow-minded community. The predominant school of thought was very racist. My ethnic heritage is Scotch-Irish and I was taught as a child to have a dislike for those who were not like me. Imagine, if you will, the conflict I felt as a child who played with dolls, hated baseball, and had an attraction to members of my sex. Researchin g the different theoritical orientations in psychology has been an extremely enlightening experience. While I do not profess to be of any religious or spiritual mindset, I have developed an interest in the Buddhist approach of self-acceptance to life. I am almost 46 years old and I have made my share of mistakes along the way. Self acceptance has always been something I have struggled with. Dr. Ellis’ REBT and Buddhist psychological approaches have given me the tools to take a greater look at myself and to be okay with what I see. I intend to be an advocate for those people like myself who have felt cheated by the cultural values or norms put forth by American psychological culture. Times may be changing, but in my opinion not fast enough. As we move to a more culturally diverse nation I hope that the plight of gay, lesbian, and transgendered persons will be considered in the greater development of multi-cultural psychology. Brook, J. S., Whiteman, M. (2008). Onset of adolescent drinking: a longitudinal study of intrapersonal and interpersonal antecedents. Bibliography Bozarth, J. (2001). Unconditional Positive Regard (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory Practice. Pccs Books. Campbell, P. A. (1985). Bio-spirituality: focusing as a way to grow. Loyola University Press. Ellis, A. (1994). Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy . Birch Lane . Hanh, T. N. (1999). The Heart of the Buddhas Teaching:Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation . Broadway Books. M.G.T. Kwee, K. G. (2006). Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research Theory,. Chagrin Falls : Taos Institute Publications. maslow, A. (1968). Toward a Psychology of Being. New York: Princeton. Tsering, G. T. ( 2006). Buddhist Psychology: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

macbeth :: essays research papers

The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. This play tells of betrayal, temptations, ambitions, murder, treason and manipulation. The readers feels sympathetic for MacBeth, as he is stuck in the middle of a situation he can’t get out of. However, sympathy is lost when MacBeth commits evil deeds that he is only responsible for. Macbeth is only persuaded to commit treason, but due to his paranoia he kills many more people. The main focus is Macbeth, being the unfortunate victim, from the 3 evil witches to Lady Macbeth. His downfall is caused by other people around him. Macbeth is the unfortunate victim of other people’s greed and for this the reader sympathises. The three withes are a physical presence of evil. They conspire to kill as many people as possible, under their superior, Hecate. Using their evil gift to see into the future, they can tell that by using Macbeth as a tool for destruction they can fill him with evil. To get Macbeth to do their evil biddings, they first influence him by planting a seed of evil into his mind. By giving Macbeth that prophecy, they ensure that their plans will work. Macbeth is a good and loyal kinsman who would never harm his King. Were it not for outside forces, he would have lived happily as Thane of Cawdor, a high position title in itself. Macbeth does not even want to kill King Duncan. He says â€Å"chance may crown me without my stir†, which means that if he become king, he would not commit any evil to get there. Fearing the witches’ message means that he will kill the king in the futur e, he says â€Å"Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.† Three evil withes foretell that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and even King of Scotland. Macbeth ignored their prophecies, but after he was promoted to Thane of Cawdor for his brave fight in the war, Macbeth wonders if he could become king, and than his ambition takes over. Up until this point, sympathy is lost, as MacBeth takes a turn for the worst, obeying to his wifes commands, and being tempted by the thought of becoming king. Lady Macbeth is an ambitious woman like her counter-part, but there the reader never feels sympathetic for her. She is an evil women, blinded by her greed, she makes MacBeth commit evil deeds, and leads herself and MacBeth to their self destruction.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Unit 13

Unit 13 1 Understand what dementia is 1. 1 explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ Dementia is a serious loss of global cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal ageing. 1. 2 describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia Dementia is not a single disease, but a non-specific syndrome (i. e. , set of signs and symptoms). Affected cognitive areas can be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. emporal lobe = responsible foe vision, memory, language, hearing, learning frontal lobe = responsible for decision making , problem solving, control behavior and emotions parietal lobe = responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness occipital lobe = responsible for processing information related to vision cerebrum lobe = biggest part of the Brain its role is memory, attention, thought, and our consciousness, senses and movement hippocampus = responsible for memory forming, organizing and storing and emotions 1. explain why depression, delirium and age-related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia Delirium and age-related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia because this can be also symptoms for other disease or even diseases. Normally, symptoms must be present for at least six months to support a diagnosis. Cognitive dysfunction of shorter duration is called â€Å"delirium†. Especially in later stages of the condition, subjects may be disoriented in time (not knowing the day, week, or even year), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing whom they and/or others around them are). Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia 2. 1 outline the medical model of dementia Dementia as a clinical syndrome is characterized by global cognitive impairment, which represents a decline from previous level of functioning, and is associated wit h impairment in functional abilities and, in many cases, behavioral and psychiatric disturbances. 2. 2 outline the social model of dementia The social model of care seeks to understand the emotions and behaviors of the person with dementia by placing him or her within the context of his or her social circumstances and biography.By learning about each person with dementia as an individual, with his or her own history and background, care and support can be designed to be more appropriate to individual needs. 2. 3 explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability People who have dementia are not aware of requirements for living. They can forget to do the essential things that are vital. Taking medicines, hygiene and even eating are often forgotten. They can get lost or hurt and not understand what is necessary to correct a situation.Turning on the stove or water and forgetting to turn it off, locking doors, crossing streets etc. can be dangerous even deadly. In the same way you wo uld not think as an infant incapable of self care a person with dementia can not be either. Considering the facts that they cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult makes them disabled. 3 Know the most common types of dementia and their causes 3. 1 list the most common causes of dementia There isn’t one identifiable source for the disease and it is thought that it is a combination of factors that cause the condition.The disease may develop silently for years before the symptoms appear. I can list a few: -Alzheimer’s disease -Dementia with Lewy bodies, -Stroke -Parkinson’s -Degenerative disease -Alcohol related dementia -any disease or event which can create injuries to the brain. 3. 2 describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia †¢ Memory loss, frequently forgetting conversations, appointments, or events †¢ Impaired judgment †¢ Difficulties with abstract thinking †¢ Faulty reasoning †¢ Inappropriate behavior Loss of communication skills, difficulty following the flow of a conversation †¢ Disorientation to time and place †¢ Gait, motor, and balance problems †¢ Neglect of personal care and safety †¢ Hallucinations, paranoia, agitation †¢ Frequently losing or misplacing things 3. 3 outline the risk factors for the most common causes of dementia The most common causes for dementia are: The age, gender and hormonal effects, stress, head trauma, education, chemical exposure, depression, parental age, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, cerebral white-matter lesion, alcohol, 3. identify prevalence rates for different types of Dementia Alzheimer's is the most prevalent. Vascular Dementia is the second most prevalent. After that things convoluted a bit but Dementia with Lewy bodies is probably third. 4 Understand factors relating to an individual’s experience of dementia 4. 1 describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia dep ending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability Depending on the form of dementia people's ability and disability will be different. People with dementia may not necessarily always be forgetful, for xample an individual with Fronto-temporal dementia may be less forgetful than a person suffering from Alzheimer disease. Their memory may remain intact but their personality and behavior could be noticeably changed. Dementia with Lewy bodies interrupts the brain’s normal functioning and affects the person's memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinson's disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. People with vascular dementia may suffer from incontinence or seizure where other types of dementia may not affect those.However the level of ability and disability depend on individual's age and condition of dementia, people who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60's-70's are less likely to be as dependable on others than people living with dementia at the age of over their 70's or 80's. People also have different levels of stamina at different ages, so their ability and disability may vary and the level of support they require will be varied as well. 4. 2 outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviors of others may have on an individual with dementiaA person with dementia in contact with a healthy and normal person can become depressed, introverted, and violent; can refuse any communication or co-operation. All these example of behavioral can appear if the person who gets in touch with the person with dementia has no experience, or doesn’t know about the person’s condition(dementia). If the CA has enough dates about the SU than can provide the necessary care and to adopt the necessary attitude to create a link which allows to get close enough to the SU and to provide the assistance to maintain the quality of SU’s life, promoting good hygiene, so cialization, nutrition, self respect. Unit 13 Unit 13 1 Understand what dementia is 1. 1 explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ Dementia is a serious loss of global cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal ageing. 1. 2 describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia Dementia is not a single disease, but a non-specific syndrome (i. e. , set of signs and symptoms). Affected cognitive areas can be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. emporal lobe = responsible foe vision, memory, language, hearing, learning frontal lobe = responsible for decision making , problem solving, control behavior and emotions parietal lobe = responsible for sensory information from the body, also where letters are formed, putting things in order and spatial awareness occipital lobe = responsible for processing information related to vision cerebrum lobe = biggest part of the Brain its role is memory, attention, thought, and our consciousness, senses and movement hippocampus = responsible for memory forming, organizing and storing and emotions 1. explain why depression, delirium and age-related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia Delirium and age-related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia because this can be also symptoms for other disease or even diseases. Normally, symptoms must be present for at least six months to support a diagnosis. Cognitive dysfunction of shorter duration is called â€Å"delirium†. Especially in later stages of the condition, subjects may be disoriented in time (not knowing the day, week, or even year), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing whom they and/or others around them are). Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia 2. 1 outline the medical model of dementia Dementia as a clinical syndrome is characterized by global cognitive impairment, which represents a decline from previous level of functioning, and is associated wit h impairment in functional abilities and, in many cases, behavioral and psychiatric disturbances. 2. 2 outline the social model of dementia The social model of care seeks to understand the emotions and behaviors of the person with dementia by placing him or her within the context of his or her social circumstances and biography.By learning about each person with dementia as an individual, with his or her own history and background, care and support can be designed to be more appropriate to individual needs. 2. 3 explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability People who have dementia are not aware of requirements for living. They can forget to do the essential things that are vital. Taking medicines, hygiene and even eating are often forgotten. They can get lost or hurt and not understand what is necessary to correct a situation.Turning on the stove or water and forgetting to turn it off, locking doors, crossing streets etc. can be dangerous even deadly. In the same way you wo uld not think as an infant incapable of self care a person with dementia can not be either. Considering the facts that they cannot act in the manner of a responsible adult makes them disabled. 3 Know the most common types of dementia and their causes 3. 1 list the most common causes of dementia There isn’t one identifiable source for the disease and it is thought that it is a combination of factors that cause the condition.The disease may develop silently for years before the symptoms appear. I can list a few: -Alzheimer’s disease -Dementia with Lewy bodies, -Stroke -Parkinson’s -Degenerative disease -Alcohol related dementia -any disease or event which can create injuries to the brain. 3. 2 describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia †¢ Memory loss, frequently forgetting conversations, appointments, or events †¢ Impaired judgment †¢ Difficulties with abstract thinking †¢ Faulty reasoning †¢ Inappropriate behavior Loss of communication skills, difficulty following the flow of a conversation †¢ Disorientation to time and place †¢ Gait, motor, and balance problems †¢ Neglect of personal care and safety †¢ Hallucinations, paranoia, agitation †¢ Frequently losing or misplacing things 3. 3 outline the risk factors for the most common causes of dementia The most common causes for dementia are: The age, gender and hormonal effects, stress, head trauma, education, chemical exposure, depression, parental age, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, cerebral white-matter lesion, alcohol, 3. identify prevalence rates for different types of Dementia Alzheimer's is the most prevalent. Vascular Dementia is the second most prevalent. After that things convoluted a bit but Dementia with Lewy bodies is probably third. 4 Understand factors relating to an individual’s experience of dementia 4. 1 describe how different individuals may experience living with dementia dep ending on age, type of dementia, and level of ability and disability Depending on the form of dementia people's ability and disability will be different. People with dementia may not necessarily always be forgetful, for xample an individual with Fronto-temporal dementia may be less forgetful than a person suffering from Alzheimer disease. Their memory may remain intact but their personality and behavior could be noticeably changed. Dementia with Lewy bodies interrupts the brain’s normal functioning and affects the person's memory, concentration and speech skills. It has similar symptoms to Parkinson's disease such as tremors, slowness of movement and speech difficulties. People with vascular dementia may suffer from incontinence or seizure where other types of dementia may not affect those.However the level of ability and disability depend on individual's age and condition of dementia, people who are living with dementia in earlier age such as 60's-70's are less likely to be as dependable on others than people living with dementia at the age of over their 70's or 80's. People also have different levels of stamina at different ages, so their ability and disability may vary and the level of support they require will be varied as well. 4. 2 outline the impact that the attitudes and behaviors of others may have on an individual with dementiaA person with dementia in contact with a healthy and normal person can become depressed, introverted, and violent; can refuse any communication or co-operation. All these example of behavioral can appear if the person who gets in touch with the person with dementia has no experience, or doesn’t know about the person’s condition(dementia). If the CA has enough dates about the SU than can provide the necessary care and to adopt the necessary attitude to create a link which allows to get close enough to the SU and to provide the assistance to maintain the quality of SU’s life, promoting good hygiene, so cialization, nutrition, self respect.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Conflict in Franz Kafka´s The Metamorphosis Essay - 555 Words

Franz Kafkas, The Metamorphosis is about Gregor, the protagonist, who wakes up one morning discovering that he has transformed into a monstrous insect. Before Gregors transformation he was the man of the family; he provided for his parents and his younger sister so that they could live a happy normal life. However, due to Gregors metamorphosis, he is no longer able to support them. This series of unfortunate events leads to conflict among the family members which contributes to the meaning of the work. Gregors transformation causes conflict with his sister, his mother, and his father. Before Gregor transformed into an insect, he worked as a salesman even though he hated it. However, this didnt stop him from working every day since†¦show more content†¦This soon leads to conflict when Gregor swarms out of his room trying to protect this link from his past, causing his mother to faint and his sister to lock him out of his room. This conflict contributes to the meaning of the work by hinting that Gregor will not be able to the transform back into his human self. Since all his furniture and his belongings are out of his room, he feels that he will no longer be able to get a glimpse of whom he once was, which causes Gregor to once again feel alienated and alone. Due to the fact that Gregor is unable to provide for his family, this causes Gregors father to lose feelings for his son. The father has no interest in trying to help Gregor with his condition. The father only cares about how he will be able to make money and pay off the family debt. During the evening s, Gregor eves drop on his family while they are eating dinner. Gregor overhears that the father is having money problems, which causes Gregor to have an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Gregors transformation causes conflict between him and his father because Gregor is no longer able to supply the money which makes him a burden. This dilemma contributes to the meaning of the work by revealing Gregors most powerful emotion, guilt. Franz Kafkas, The Metamorphosis is a novel with a major theme surrounding family duty. Since Gregor turns into an insect, he is unable to provide any kind of duty for hisShow MoreRelatedFranz Kafka s The Metamorphosis Of My Existence1096 Words   |  5 PagesThe Metamorphosis of Franz Kafka A picture of my existence... would show a useless wooden stake covered in snow... stuck loosely at a slant in the ground in a ploughed field on the edge of a vast open plain on a dark winter night†. — Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung 1912), Franz Kafka’s best known short story, is a master work of incredible psychological, sociological and existential malaise. 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